Positive Connection 

All Girls Program

Established in 1994

Positive Connection provides Prevention, Intervention and Redirection Services to young ladies. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower today's young ladies for success in life by inspiring change, building self-confidence, promoting self-care and providing educational tools.

Positive Connection Services


Prevention Services

Guiding the young ladies to take advance measures against possible failure in life. 

·         Academic Skill Building  

·         After School Program - Reading Enrichment

·         Group Sessions

·         Recreational Activities


Intervention Services 

Interceding between the young lady and her circumstances. 

·         Grooming Sessions

·         Group Sessions

·         Individual Consultation


Redirection Services 

Changing the course of the young lady who needs another opportunity to succeed. 

·         Anger Management

·         Employment Readiness

·         Group Mentoring

·         Life Skills

·         Skill Building

Company Profile

Contact Information





Postal address

2801 Milwaukee Street,Denver, Co 80205

Electronic mail

General Information: Director@PositiveConnection.org

Customer Support:

